Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bing Site Verification

First step is to open Bing webmaster tool
After that you have to sign up for live ID
As you logged in the following screen will be displayed 

By clicking on add site button another page will be open allowing you to add URL of your site

click on the submit button
the following screen will be open giving you three options.

The best method that I suggest is meta validation method. Choose it
It will give you a verification code like this

<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="874FFE456A6B4D42DC8493324B5" />

Copy and paste the code into the keywords area on homepage
copy the Bing verification code ID and paste it at the end of the code that you pasted in the keywords area, result should look like this

%22 /%3E%3Cmeta name=%22msvalidate.01%22 content=%22874FFE456A6B4D42DC8493324B5

Go back to Bing Webmaster tools and verify
it will verify you site for Bing

Author: Nafeesa Waseem

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Yahoo site verification

Yahoo site verification
Like Google, verifying your site from yahoo is also very important. But now yahoo dose not verify your site by your own it now verify it by third party that is Bing. Means yahoo now verify your site through Bing site verification.
As you open yahoo site verification the following screen will be displayed

Click on the Bing webmaster tools it will take you on Bing webmaster tool
For further details how to verify your site on yahoo through Bing site verification please click the following link

Monday, February 13, 2012

Google site verification

mom SEO

As we all know Google is the leading search engine of all the search engines. Every one wants to be listed in there. This required some professional work to be done. Before listing at Google you have to verify our site on Google using Google webmaster tools for site verification.
Google’s Webmaster Tools for site verification
For verifying your site from Google webmaster tools you have to follow some instructions. You will find how to verify your site from Google webmaster tools below.
First of all create an account on GWT.
Add your site under add site button. There it will ask for which method you want to choose. There are two methods on GWT for site verification
  • HTML File Verification
  • Meta Tag Verification  
1.      HTML File Verification
At GWT you will have the HTML file (that is generated by Google according to your account information).
Once you select the method that you want to use GWT will generate this HTML file.
Download HTML file
It will give you file like this
Upload this file to the root directory of your web server.
 Google figure out that if you added this file to the root of your web then you are the owner or webmaster for this site.
Once you are sure that you have add the file to your directory then:
§         Log into Webmaster Tools
§         Click on VERIFY THIS SITE button
§         Be sure the “Upload an HTML file” option is selected
§         Click the VERIFY button
After that Google will check for your html file at your directory, if that found, Google will flag your site as VERIFIED. 
2.     Meta Tag Verification 
The other method is Meta tag verification. To use this method, select “Meta tag” from the Verification Method dropdown.
 It will give you textbox below the dropdown and will display a <meta> element like as follow: 
<meta name=" verifiy-v1” content=”pg9LeoR9wh4szzb9Qv/bUUgsaWbfH+P9Q=” />
Copy this <meta> element
Add this <meta> element to the <head> section of HTML of your home page.
Sure that you have added <meta> element in <head> of your HTML. Once you  have dome adding meta tags and they are appeared to your home page at <HEAD>, then the next step is:
·         Log into Webmaster Tools
·         Click VERIFY THIS SITE next to your web site name
·         Be sure the “Meta tag” option is selected from the Verification Method dropdown
·         Click the VERIFY
·         Google will check your home page for <meta> elements. If it found that on your source code of HTML then your site will be flagged as VERIFIED.
Author: Nafeesa Waseem

What is site verification in SEO?

Site verification is another step in onsite optimization of SEO (search engine optimization). As from name, it is the process where you have to verify your site.
What kind of verification it is?
In site verification you have to verify your site for further errors and bugs on you site.
This is also the verification of your site by search engines that you are the owner of this site. This verification of your site from different search engines gives you (webmaster or owner) the detailed information of over all functionality of your website.
Where to verify the site?
You have to verify your site from the very basic search engines as we are focusing these three search engine’s for crawling.
  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Bing

Mostly these search engines will verify your site with in 24 hours if you have fulfill all the requirements correctly. Once you have done your site verification then you will easily optimize your site on all of these search engines.

mom SEO

You can verify your site from Google by using its Google webmaster tools (GWT).
Just create an account and add your site.
Google will give you a code you have to paste it on your website.
After pasting the code click on verify button your site will be verified.
For more details please visit the article Google site verification.
Yahoo site verification
mom SEO
First sign in to yahoo site explorer.
Add URL of your website into My Sites Box. Press the add button.It will open my site webpage.
Just after your site there is authenticate button click on it.
It will open the verification page. From there you have the code paste it on your website and then on yahoo site verification verify your site.
For more details please visit the article Yahoo site verification.
Bing site verification
mom SEO
Add your site to MSN search engine.
Before this first add XML file (liveSearchSiteAuth.xml) in the root directory of your web server.
After that process is same use Meta tag verification method or XML file method
Click verify button your site will be verified on Bing.
For more details please visit the article Bing site verification.
This is how you have to verify your site from these search engines. As I mentioned early this is the very important step in SEO, because this will show your existence to search engine.
Author: Nafeesa Waseem

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What are keywords?

Keywords are the words that you used for your site and that helps you to make your existence presence for people over the internet. These keywords are used by search engines when they include your website in their database. This will make or break the ranking of your page on search engines.
Misuse of keywords.
Keywords can increase your ranking over the search engine if they are place correctly and they are well defines by the way that is defined by search engine. But if, you do not follow certain rules these keywords can cause your site banned by search engine like Google, yahoo and Bing etc as producing spam.
How to choose keywords?
Whenever you start your website, the very step is to be sure on which topic you are going to make your website? Select the keywords that define your website, means use those keywords that will be used in the content or phrase of your website.
These keyword should be those which some one (user or reader) most likely used to search.
Your each and every Web page should have keywords that include phrases which are found throughout the page content, title tag, headings, attributes, and link text.
If you have words and phrases that occur often, rearrange the order of them. It will keep each tag unique.
It is a good practice to not to use same string of keywords on all of your pages.
Keyword Density
Keyword density is percentage of the number of times keyword is used within the total index able words on a Web page.
For example, if a keyword occurs three times on a Web page with 100 words, then the keyword density is 3 percent.
Keyword Density Analysis
Anglicizing the Keyword Density is also very important step of making your site visible in search engine at top position. For particular keyword you must analysis its density. The targeted keyword should be analysis in title, Body, H1 tags. This will provide you the weight (density) of each targeted keyword against search engine.
How many keywords should use?
At the landing page (main page) you have to select keyword very keenly.
Up to 200 characters you can use to indicate important and descriptive words and phrases found on each of your Web pages.
You can define up to five to 10 words or phrases for each Web page. These words or phrases have a high search volume and best represent your Web page content. 
Use those keywords that will be further and mostly use in your web pages.
Keywords will be separated by commas
Keyword base Domain Names
For selling particular product free, choose such domain that has the particular keyword in it.
For instance you are going to provide free downloads of games then your domain name should be This is called keyword rich domain names. This will be very beneficial for having a good rank in search engines.
Placing Of Keywords
Keywords are placed on the Meta tags.
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, HTML help, meta tags, promotion, web sites">
Further on these keywords are used in posts or articles as mentioned above
Hope this article will be helpful for you. For more detailed view on SEO and its term please readout more articles over the blogJ
Author: Nafeesa Waseem

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What are Meta Tags?

Some people in the online community thinks that Meta tags are not much used now days by Google or any other search engine. But I said these are the very basic and important part. Meta tags basically are the hidden tag that is written in the <HEAD> of an HTML document. These are the tags that provide additional information about the document.
In SEO meta tags have the same functionality. These are the very important part of onsite optimization.They provide the additional information about your site to any search engine and improve your position on getting at the first page of Google or any other search engine.
Meta tags look like this
<meta name="name" content="content" />

In SEO Meta tags are used for two reasons
Ø      Meta keywords
Ø      Meta keyword description
You should focus on your description and keywords for getting the top position on search engine.
Meta Keyword Tag
Keywords are the words that identify what the webpage is about? These are usually used in search engines to categorize your site and make you visible for people. This helps you to be visible for people and found you more quickly. It is important to review your keywords and make sure that they are as concise, brief and specific as possible.
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, HTML help, meta tags, promotion, web sites">

Meta Keyword Description Tag
In this tag you have to enter the deception for your website holding all the keyword that you have used for your site.
Basically the description tag describes what is about your page? This is the description that will appear against the search result for your site on search engine. For example if you search for you will see the description below the link.
<meta name="description" content="Boost your marketing strategy with meta tags">

Onsite optimization

Onsite optimization is one of very important part of SEO. Here you have to optimize your website by following some steps and rules. It sounds difficult but it is not as much difficult. As I mentioned early there have some rules and step to be followed to complete this step.
Here are some
Ø      There have not to be any spelling mistake
Ø      Use those keywords that are really used in your site. Means you should check out the density of keyword search.
Ø      Not broken pictures.
Ø      Use different picture tags for every picture on your site.
Ø      Make your content unique. Google love to see unique writing.
These are some very basic things you have to keep in mind before going to optimize your site. Onsite optimization has some key steps, by following them you can have your site fully optimize according to Google. Here are main parts of onsite optimization
2.      Site verification
3.      Crawling files
4.      URL canonicalization.

Meta tags are the tags on your site that holds your keywords and the description of your keywords. It is the very basic portion of your onsite optimization. You have to choose your keywords very keenly so that they can further be used and they are the basic things that are used for having a high rank in Google or any other search engine.
So the first step is to choose keywords for your site.
Second step is adding description. This is the description of your site. This description holds all of your keywords that you have chosen for your website.
2. Site verification
Second step on onsite optimization is to check your site either it has any error or not. For checking your site error free there are certain sites that used to do this and they validate the sites for further errors.
3. Crawling files
This is the step that usually people forget to follow, but this is very crucial step to be followed. Crawling files are those files that are used to produce error pages. These are error generation files.
These files are
a. Robotex.txt
b. Sitemap.xls
4. URL canonicalization.
URL canonicalization is very important part of onsite optimization in SEO. some times we don’t write full URL, like we write instead of These URL’s are crawl and treated differently by Google or other search engines. If such situation occurs then it generates 404 error code. You have to redirect every similar link of your domain to your main domain that is www. for doing so URL canonicalization is used.
Server htxx file is used to serve this issue.
This is the very basic information about onsite optimization for further information about onsite optimization please follow the links mentioned above each topic. Hope this will help J